X-Ray Taxonomy: Monetization

Methods for how the publisher is compensated for their app.

Tags are listed in the following format: tag_name - id - description


Ad Supported - ad-supported - The app is free, but the user must watch ads, for which the publisher earns revenue.

Hybrid - hybrid - The consumer may download and use the app for free in exchange for watching ads, but may remove the ads through an in-app-purchase.

In-App Purchase - in-app-purchase - In-app-purchase (IAP) revenue is collected by the store (iTunes/Google Play) and remitted to the publisher.

Paid Download - paid-download - The consumer pays the app store (iTunes/Google Play) to download the app and the store remits the money to the publisher.

Subscription - subscription - The app is generally provided for free with some limited functionality, but offers additional/full functionality through an ongoing subscription.

Trial - trial - The app or some of its features are available for free for a limited trial period.